As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum / Peace be upon you!
Crescent Moon for the Month of Shaban 1443 AH
Crescent moon was sighted by the naked eye from the IMAN Center prayer hall at sunset on Thursday, March 3rd, 2022.
Therefore, Thursday March 3rd, 2022, was the last day of the month of Rajab.
Friday, March 4th, 2022, is the first day of the month of Shaban, 1443 A.H.
We ask God, the Most High, for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).
Important Islamic Events this Month:
3 Shaban Mar 6 Wiladat of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (p), 3 A.H.
4 Shaban Mar 7 Wiladat of Abu Fadl al-Abbas (p), 26 A.H.
5 Shaban Mar 8 Wiladat of Imam Ali ibn Hussain (p) , 38 A.H.
15 Shaban Mar 18 Wiladat of Imam al-Mahdi (p), 255 A.H.
In person program with dinner to celebrate Wiladat of Imam al-Mahdi (p) is planned for Saturday March 19, 2022.
Please refer to our events schedules for program details this month.
COVID-19 Home Test Kits and KN90 Masks
Dr Seema Abbasi has delivered at home test kits and KN90 masks for our community from King County Public health. Those who have a need for these can stop by IMAN Center after daily prayer time for pickup. IMAN Center is open for prayer every day for Dhuhrain and Maghrebain. See IMAN Web Site for daily prayer schedule.
Ramadhân Planning
As the pandemic situation improves, we look forward to resuming in -person Ramadhân programs in April 2022, inshallah. Volunteers are needed to help plan and run programs. e-mail to programs@iman-wa.org if you are willing to help.
Sister Fatema Khaki is a organizing a daily 30 minute in-person children activity during Ramadhân. Parent volunteers are needed to develop and run programs. Those willing to help can contact her at +1 (917) 273 0857.
Sunday School
IMAN Sunday School Art competition for February 2022 had good participation with many beautiful contributions.
Parent Teacher conferences as well as administrative meeting with parents are scheduled for March 2022.
Parents are requested to motivate and prepare students for the Ramadhân 1443 AH Qur'an Conference which teachers will soon start coordinating.
Sunday School class schedule will shift to the Daylight-Saving time as of March 13, 2022.
Community Dinners
During these challenging times, it is increasingly difficult for many to have basic needs met. Monthly dinners IMAN hosts with St. John’s are our chance to contribute to serving these individuals. Those interested to help organize future monthly community dinners, please contact Br. Abbas Kazmi or send mail to socialservices@iman-wa.org.
Social Services
Sr. Sidra Naqvi continues to coordinate meals every other Sunday to the Seattle Tent City. Several spots have been reserved to provide future meals at shelters. If you are interested in helping, please contact Sister Sidra Naqvi (425) 273 1463 or e-mail iman@iman-wa.org.