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IMANews: Sha'ban 1445 AH, Feb-Mar 2024

IMAN Center of Kirkland

Updated: Feb 11, 2024

Crescent moon sighting from IMAN Prayer Hall on Thursday 3/3/2022

As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum / Peace be upon you!

Crescent Moon for the Month of Sha'ban 1445 AH

Crescent moon for Sha'ban 1444 AH was sighted across different parts of the USA on Saturday February 10, 2024. Sunday February 11, 2024, is the first of Sha'ban 1445 AH.

We ask Allah SWT for success in performing good deeds and to hasten the Return of Our Master, Imam Mahdi (p).

Important Islamic Events this Month:

3 Sha'ban Feb 13 Wiladat of Imam Hussain ibn Ali (p), 3 A.H.

4 Sha'ban Feb 14 Wiladat of Abu Fadl al-Abbas (p), 26 A.H.

5 Sha'ban Feb 15 Wiladat of Imam Ali ibn Hussain (p) , 38 A.H.

15 Sha'ban Feb 25 Wiladat of Imam al-Mahdi (p), 255 A.H.

Daily Dhur and Maghreb and Friday congregational prayers are being held in person at the IMAN Center. Congregational Prayer Timings are published on the IMAN home page.

Weekly Qur'an circle is scheduled for every Thursday at 7:00 PM.

Weekly Dua Kumail program also takes place in person at the IMAN Center at 8:00 PM each Thursday.

Wiladats and wafats are observed on the Thursday closest to the actual date.

Additional programs will be posted under ADDITIONAL UPCOMING EVENTS on the IMAN home page once all program details are finalized.

IMAN AGM 2022/2023

Annual General Meeting of IMAN Members for the fiscal year 2022/2023 was held on Saturday January 20, 2024.

Annual Report of Activities for 2022-2023 and financials for 2022/2023 as well as budget for 2023/2024 were reviewed and approved.

The following were nominated to serve on the Executive Committee for the new term:

Mohammad Jawad Khaki President and Treasurer

Kareem Al Haddad Vice President

Rahmatullah Faizi (Hamid) Secretary

Nuri Mansoori Committee Member

Rizwan Nazarali Committee Member

These nominations were subsequently presented to the IMAN Board of Directors and approved on Sunday February 4th, 2024.

Please refer to the link GOVERNANCE for information on IMAN governance.

2024 membership

It is time to renew annual membership at IMAN if you have not already done.

Membership dues ($480.00 per annum) help cover operational expenses in the running of IMAN. These expenses include utilities, water, sewer, garbage, insurance, parking lot property taxes, kitchen/bathroom/cleaning supplies, landscaping, cleaning and general repairs and maintenance.

Membership dues can be remitted using a personal check to IMAN, 515 State St S, Kirkland, WA 98033 or using Zelle to

Sindh Flood Relief Update

The images and videos at the links: Lower Sindh and Upper Sindh show progress made in providing shelter to those impacted by 2022 flooding in Pakistan through generous contributions of the IMAN community.

Our Shaban 1445 AH Guest Speaker

We look forward to hosting Dr. Zainab Hosseini on Saturday, February 24th, 2024.

Zainab Hosseini, Ph.D., ASW., is a National Institute of Mental Health Postdoctoral Fellow in the Stanford Department of Psychology and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Her research explores the scalability of culturally responsive mental health interventions for adolescents and their families in different contexts, specifically focusing on the needs of refugees. As part of the Stanford Muslim Mental Health and Islamic Psychology lab, Dr. Hosseini is currently partnering with resettlement agencies to support the development of faith-based mental health interventions for Muslim refugee youth and their families in Southern California. Dr. Hosseini holds a PhD in Developmental and Psychological Sciences from Stanford University. She is a licensed mental health clinician in California and practices out of the El Camino Women's Medical Group.

Recent global sociopolitical events have raised questions about the basic values that we do - or don’t - share as human beings. Many of us wonder about the threshold for the denial of basic human rights that can finally unite us all, only to find those thresholds extended further.

In times like these, it is critical to reflect on our basic psychosocial needs for a sense of connection and unity with other human beings, especially when it comes to striving for justice.

In her presentation talk, Dr. Hosseini will build on Quranic insights to explore the questions:

  • What is the wisdom behind the fact that Allah has placed an inherent desire for mutual values and drive towards fairness within us?

  • How can an awareness of these psychological processes galvanize our preparation for and attunement with Imam Mahdi?

  • And how can we instill these ideas within the next generation?

Further program details will be posted under: ADDITIONAL UPCOMING EVENTS in due course.

IMAN Youth Group

Sr. Yameena Shameem has stepped forward to revive the IMAN Youth activities through a program for young adults from 13-18 years old interested in getting more involved in the community. She proposes weekly gatherings where they will rotate through a discussion, service, and social events. Some examples of these events include discussing Muslim identity as a youth in the US, volunteering in food banks, going roller skating, and more!

If you are interested, show up this coming on Thursday, February 15th, 2024, at 6:30 PM for their kick-off meeting.

Ramadhân Planning

Volunteers are needed to help plan and run programs. e-mail to if you are willing to help.

Sunday School

City of Kirkland L2044 Comprehensive Plan Update

Whether you walk, drive, ride a bike, or take transit, we all want to travel through Kirkland quickly and safely. To improve traffic and safety conditions, the City of Kirkland has a list of projects it will prioritize over the next 20 years – ranging from sidewalk and transit improvements to bicycle facilities and intersection enhancements. City of Kirkland would like to hear from you about which projects are most important to our community.

 “We’re just beginning to update our Transportation Strategic Plan, so now’s the time to give us your input on the projects that affect your neighborhoods,” said Deputy Mayor Jay Arnold. “We want to make the best investments for everyone to get to school, work, around town, or to nearby destinations while improving safety. Your feedback will help shape which future projects are built and when.”

Community members can use the new Kirkland Transportation Project Engagement Map tool to offer ideas, comments, and suggestions on the proposed City projects. The mapping feedback tool will be available until February 29, 2024. City staff will then review and combine the input before presenting it to the City Council. 

There will be more opportunities to provide community feedback on the Transportation Strategic Plan throughout this planning process.

Social Services

Monthly community dinners IMAN hosts with St. John’s is a great opportunity to serve. Those interested to help, please contact Br. Abbas Kazmi or send mail to

Sr. Sidra Naqvi continues to coordinate meals every other Sunday to the Seattle Tent City. Several spots have been reserved to provide future meals at shelters. If you are interested in helping, please contact Sister Sidra Naqvi (425) 273 1463 or e-mail


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