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We stand together in Solidarity

IMAN Center of Kirkland

As’ salaam Alaykum (peace be upon you):

The Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS) and Ithna-asheri Muslim Association of the Northwest (IMAN) jointly condemn in the strongest terms the recent murderous crimes in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which have shaken the Muslim community and beyond.

We extend our sincerest condolences to the families of the victims. We pray that Allah SWT (God Almighty) grant them paradise and forgiveness, and grant their families and loved ones patience, comfort and solace.

The sacredness of human life is core to the message of Islam. The Qur’an tells us “whoever takes a life… it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity” [Quran 5:32].

Here in the Pacific Northwest, the Muslim community is a diverse microcosm of ethnicities, races, and backgrounds. MAPS and IMAN Center stand firmly against sectarian ideologies and any acts of hatred or violence targeting our brothers and sisters in faith or in humanity. While we recognize differences in our practice of the faith, our centers remain open to all, Sunni and Shia alike. We oppose rhetoric that is divisive and inflammatory, and we emphasize areas of commonality, unity and understanding.

In the coming days, our centers will explore ways to further this solidarity. We are starting by visiting each other’s centers and we encourage the community to do the same.

All lives belong to Allah, Al-Muhyee, The Giver of Life. Violence and murder are antithetical to His edicts, for He is As-Salam, The Giver of Peace.

We pray that we are guided by His light, that we do justice to His creation, and that we receive His mercy and forgiveness.


Hyder Ali

President, MAPS


President & Founding Director, IMAN


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