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Zakat ul Fitr 1442 AH / 2021 AD

IMAN Center of Kirkland

As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum / Peace be upon you!

Inshallah we will soon complete the fasting for Ramadhân 1442 AH.

Eid ul Fitr is expected to be on Thursday May 13, 2021.

Announcement will be made after Maghreb during evening program on Tuesday May 11, 2021 and also in the Shawwal blog that will be posted on the web site.

Muslims around the world share the joy of Eid by sharing with those around them who are less fortunate by contributing Zakat ul Fitr.

Zakat ul Fitr is an obligation that is due on the night of Eid and needs to be paid before Salaat ul Eid.

Zakat ul Fitr $ amount per head depends on the staple diet of the the person contributing and is equivalent to approximately 3 kilograms of the staple diet.

For 1442 AH Zakat ul Firr, IMAN recommends $10.00 per head in the household.

The household size is determined as the number of people in that household on the night of Eid.

Please use this link to make your Zakat ul Fitr contributions. Be sure to select the correct (Sayed / Non-Sayed) designation to ensure the contribution is channeled appropriately.

If you prefer to send your contribution by check, please denote Sayed/Non-Sayed on Memo line and mail to:


515 State St S

Kirkland, WA 9033

IMAN Center will distribute the Zakat ul Fitr collected to those in need by working in collaboration with other Islamic Centers in the Greater Seattle area with whom there is social services working relationship.

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